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Shine 37
Pre-match notes:
*Show stars with Lufisto coming out to the ring, pissed as all get out. I love this.
*Looks like Lufisto gets that title shot after all tonight.
*Everybody from the back has already cleared out once.
Match 1: Sparkle Showcase match - Dominique Fabiano vs. Priscilla Kelly.
*I've never seen either of these wrestlers actually wrestler, but I have heard of both. Just based off entrances/inital thoughts i'm rooting for Fbiano. I'm a fan of the pink hair.
*Kelly trained by Murder-1, holla.
*Lots of mat based slow wrestling early on - not entirely sure this is what the crowd is wanting right now.
*"I'm surprised that none of the ladies have used a shortcut yet" - Cheating is the normal around here.
*Kelly gets the win after Fabiano dominated most of the match. Jayme Jameson comes out after the match to announce that Marti Belle is going to be at the show tonight. Jameson also hates the crowd.
*Jameson says how there is nobody to challenge for the tag team titles, Fabiano and Kelly decide to team up to challenge the tag team champs.
Match 2: Layne Rosario vs. Luscious Latasha
*Luscious Latasha so over with the crowd. Poor Layne Rosario - doesn't have a chance to get over with this crowd.
*I like the character of Rosario just being this badass tough girl.
*Rosario tries to hit Latasha with the skates again, misses, they bounce back and hit her. Latasha continues her win streak.
Match 3: Randi West vs. Rachael Ellering
*Randi West has some real dope entrance music, I'm a fan of that.
*Match begins with some grond work and the two ladies are just trying to feel each other out right now.
*Ellering and West just trading shots back in forth. Pretty awesome stuff.
*Big fan of how Randi West uses the outside to her advantage.
*West being in charge of this match is absolutely killing the crowd, but that's pretty normal for Shine crowds when their favorite isn't winning.
*Ellering gets the victory after hitting a TKO on West. A real good back and forth match. I'd like to see more Randi West in this promotion.
Match 4: 4-Way Freestyle - Kennadi Brink vs. Tracy Taylor vs. Amber Gallows vs. Leva Bates
*Cool to see Leva Bates back, Leva also already did a suck it chant in this match. So she's really going for the crowd favorite award.
*I like how this is supposedly a four way match that instantly breaks down to a one on one match.
*I like that I have more perspective on when things go out of the ring now that I know how truly small The Orpheum is in person.
*The thing is besides Leva (and that's mostly just because it's her return), I don't really have anybody to root for in this match.
*Credit to Kennadi Brink for playing a good heel though. She truly gets the crowd to hate her.
*Amber O'Neal hits a spinning kick on Leva and it looks like Kennadi Brink was going to break up the pin attempt, but just allows Amber Gallows to get the victory. That's an interestnig way to finish the match.
Match 5: Stormie Lee vs. Thea Trinidad
*Thea Trinidad has some great entrance music too. No idea why she comes out with a baseball bat though.
*I really like how this card is pretty loaded with new talent showing up in Shine. Shine doing a pretty good job of keeping things fresh considering how regularly their talent gets raided.
*In the early moments of the match, Trinidad is controlling the match. Stormie wisely goes to the outside to take a break.
*Heels kind of have it easy when in the Orpheum, all you have to do is take a shot at the crowd which in fairness is pretty easy to do. Granted, if you are int he crowd it's easy to yell some dumb stuff. Those cheap Pabsts go a long way.
*Stormie Lee has some sweet looking submission moves a whole lot. I also like how it's a key part of her offense and she keeps going to that well.
*Thea Trinidad hits a moonsault to get the victory. I was more impressed by Lee to be honest.
Match 6: Raquel vs. Santana
*I don't expect this match to last very long. I don't really have any expectations from Raquel. That being said it would be interesting to see if she has improved.
*Santana vs. Raquel? Apparently Santana trains Raquel that's pretty dope. Though, saying that Raquel is on tv every week on Impact is something. (Somethign that could be true, I'm not sure).
*I don't know if Santana is just carrying Raquel or if Raquel has improved that much. But she is looking really good in this match so far.
*Santana needs to be in NXT already. And then on the main roster two months after that. She rules.
*Right now this is easily the match of the night and I don't think I would've ever expected Raquel to be in a match of the night candidate.
*After a series of back and forths, Raquel manages to get the upset victory. Awesome win for her - surprising finish.
Match 7: Vanessa Kraven vs. Su Yung
*Looking forward to this one, hope it's a real slugfest.
*Su Yung's transformation to this character is fantastic stuff. Like, the progression of Su Yung in this promotion is amazing.
*"OH JUST GETTING PAINT BRUSHED BY SU YUNG" - That's a funny call on commentary.
*Every show gotta have a spot at the bar because that's why you fight in the Orpheum.
*"I think the referee is giving these guys some leeway" - Good, that's a referee who knows what he is doing. Giving the fans what they want.
*This fight has devolved into mostly a brawl and I expected nothing less and yet I still love it so so much.
*Su Yung is more of a flyer than I thought. Not that that's all that she relies on, but she goes to the top rope/high flying moves more than I remembered.
*"The native of Dead Horse, Alaska" - Is that a real city? Oh technically it's Deadhorse, Alaska and they have an airport.
*Su Yung kicks out after 1 after taking a beat. Crowd erupts in a one chant, Kraven can't believe it.
*Kraven wins as a result of the ref calling off the match. Su Yung gets on the mic and breathes heavily and requests more.
*The two fight to the back.
Match 8: Paris Kelly & Dominque Fabiano vs. BTY (Marti Belle & Jayme Jameson) for the SHINE Tag Team Championship
*Shut up commentary, I don't want to hear travel excuses. Marti Belle was probably in the airport buying things at Hudson News, eating garbage food, and having some fun times.
*They keep using the term New Kids On the Block for Fabiano and Kelly, that has to be their tag team name right?
*Unsurprisingly, BTY is looking strong in the very beginning of the match. Champions gonna look good.
*I like Marti Belle just denigrating Kelly and patting her on the head, giving her no respect whatsoever.
*Not a fan of Marti Bella wrestling with a t-shirt on. I don't like anybody who wrestles with a t-shirt on. It's alawys garbage.
*Oh ok, she finally took it off - so I can forgive her now.
*Commentators are doing a good job tonight with actually providing key information and analysis, but dear lord do I miss drunk Amber Gertner.
*I love how Kelly & Fabiano are showing a lot of fight. Not giving into the champs. (I still think their inexpeience is gonna cost them)
*I love how SHINE really uses the Rolling Elbow as a badass move in a lot of these matches.
*Kid Cadet screwed up that call - but, BTY manages to reatain their titles. Probably the best of scenarios really. I still like the fight/spirt of Fabiano and Kelly though. Fabiano a two time loser tonight, rought night in the Orpheum for her.
Match 9: Andrea vs. Mercedes Martinez
*It's crazy how good Andrea has gotten and how much she's done a hell of a job of improving herself from the Rosie Lottalove days. Like she put in the work, and that deserves all of the credit.
*I never really got to see al ot of Mercedes Martinez action before she came back to the indies after her long hiatus. I really only knew of her reputation, but I'm glad to see her back.
*Andrea had an extensive carerr in Japan? Is that actuall true? I'll have to look that up.
*I thought that this match was going to be a bit of a quick cooldown prior to the main, but it's geting more time than I thought it would.
*It's in no way shape or form a bad match, I'm just ready for the main event and getting tired. I Hate when things like sleep affects your enjoyment in a show. Trying to stay as positive as possible.
*That's mostly how I want to watch/view every wrestling show. Find the fun parts of that and talk about it. Don't focus too much on the negative.
*"This one starting to break down right now" - Couldn't this be said about almost every match in SHINE Wrestling?
*Match ends in a Double DQ, shoot. I really hate non-finishes but I guess they have to do what they are going to do.
Match 10: Malia Hosaka (w/ Leilani Kai) vs. Thunderkitty in an "I Quit Match"
*Gonna flip alignment, I'm rooting for Hosaka in this one even though it seems unlikely that she'll win.
*Only gross thing I will say about this crowd right now is that when these two went for the face to face showdown some people in the crowd said "KISS". But eh they've been at the Orpheum for two and a half hours, they are drunk. It happens.
*I shouldn't really dislike Malia Hosaka - she's pretty badass really. Then again, I don't know if they ever let her win either. If so not every often anyway.
*Crowd is getting real into this - they might be feeling the booze and also growing indifferent. If I was in that crowd (which I could've been I would've been having so much fun tonight)
*I like how unlike a WWE I Quit Match, they don't ask them every 30 seconds if the person is ready to quit.
*Oh hell yea, they are going into the crowd and just wrecking shit.
*One of my favorite spots in wrestling is when both wrestlers sit on chairs and just exchange blows and I'm glad that they did that int his match right here.
*Hosaka beinng more brutail in this match than Thudnerkitty is being in my opinion.
*Crowd is chanting for blood, you mosnters.
*I like the fact that Thunderkitty is just smashing Hosaka across the head with a beer.
*Uh... what? That ending came out of nowhere after a ref decision. Was that legit?
*Apparently Hosaka loses. Guy in the crowd nails it - "that's the third match you ruined ref".
*Only time I've ever been pro-Hosaka but that end was bullshit.
Match 11: Lufisto vs. Ivelisse for the SHINE Championship
*I'm all in for Lufisto winning, but if Ivelisse retains I'm not going to hate on that. I love both of these competitors.
*Hell yea, match starts off as an explosion of energy and fighting. Will always love when matches start 'hot' versus when the start in 'slow' buildups, even though I get why that is effective.
*Crowd is too pro-Ivelisse. I wish Ybor City at least did some more dueling chants. They always have their one favorite thoguh.
*So awesome, the intensity that Lufisto is wrestling in this match. This match is telling a good story about how much Lufistio wants this title.
*I like how Lufisto is just staying intense and brutal and isn't letting up at any point in this match.
*Lufisto really controlled most of this match, Ivelisse took a hell of a beating, but is finally starting to get some momentum.
*Ivelisse retains.. ugh. The one thing that drives me crazy about Shine is how the finishes just happen quickly.
*There's a stable run in at the end of this event, because there is always a heel run in at the end of these events.
*Shine booking crutches are something.
*I love that the people in the crowd are crapping on this end show promo. Because whooph it's rough.
*Holy hell, the end of this show doesn't make much sense.
*So the end of the show is the formation of C4 which comprises of Amber Gallows, Lufisto, Kennadi Brink, and Andrea. (yawn)